Saturday, January 7, 2012

Printfile 35-7B Reviews

Customer reviews for Printfile 35-7B

Category: Electronics
Brand: Printfile
Model: 35-7B
Availability: Product availability may differ by country. In Stock (USA)
List Price : N/A
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Read Printfile 35-7B Customer reviews

Printfile 35-7B Review by Barry

These fit well into a standard 3-ring binder, but you might consider the printfile sealed cases for your negatives. You can fit a typical 24 exposure roll using one with the negatives cut 4-up. You'll need 1-1/2 for a 36 roll. The quality of these is excellent.

Printfile 35-7B Review by Tj Ooi

Contact prints on 8X10, and fits normal sized binders. I load my own from bulk film, and they are prone to scratches if I fit too much in. Therefore 35 is plenty.

Printfile 35-7B Review by Neuro (Placentia, CA)

I ordered this after ordering the smaller [ASIN:B00009R90P Archival Storage Sheets 35-7B25 for 35mm Film Negatives 7 Strips 25 Pack]]. These are handy for the tedious job of trying to organize the stack of negatives you have sitting around. This allows you to eventually re-order any photos that have come up missing over the years or extras needed for scrapbooks.

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Printfile 35-7B::Description

Printfile 357B100 Printfile 35MM Negatives 7 Strips 5 Frames Sheets 100-pack.

Printfile 35-7B : Buy today for save more!

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